Our Team
Hilary Burbank
I am a Des Moines native who found a passion for local food through an environmental politics class at Central College. Since learning more about how the food on my plate was connected to an international web of ecological, economic and human rights issues I’ve never been able to see it the same way. Since then I’ve been drawn to learning from all sorts of farmers and communities across the world, spending time in Spain, Germany and Scotland.
I’ve had the privilege of connecting my passion for regenerative agriculture to my love of supporting and learning from people from all over the globe. Both through living and working alongside families arriving in the US with refugee status at Jubilee Partners in Georgia, and working for many years managing the Global Greens project through LSI, I’ve seen how growing and eating fresh food can be incredibly grounding and healing.
More recently our family spent a few years living in Glasgow, Scotland where I worked with a local organization supporting all the ways food, creativity and nature bring us together. I got to work on so many great projects hosted in the local community garden, and our weekly community meal. I also worked on a climate action initiative which focused on cycling, food, reducing waste and circular economy.
Now, back in Des Moines, re-connected to the city of my roots, I’m enjoying the feeling of being in a place long enough to think about trees, perennials and building soil. I love compost, chickens, and cycling, especially with our daughter.
I’m very excited to be a part of CULTIVATE and am passionate about supporting producers so they can keep doing the important work they are already so deeply invested in.